Naturopathy is a
system of working towards the cure of diseases without using medicines.
It is an ancient and traditional science which integrates the physical, mental,
and spiritual aspects of our natural constitution. Naturopathy has the capacity
to prevent and in some cases also cure the disease. The main principles of
Naturopathy are astounding.
First, the reasons and remedies of all diseases are
the same; ailments develop due to the presence of intoxicants which are
removed. Second, the intoxicants cause diseases, not bacteria and viruses which
simply feed off them. Third, nature itself is the best ‘doctor’, the patient is
cured, not the ailment. All levels of the body are treated simultaneously and
holistically. Finally, no medicines are used because Naturopathy is a superb
medicine in itself.
The principal aim of Naturopathy is to teach people the art
of healthy living by changing their daily routine and habits—this not only
cures the disease but makes our bodies strong and glowing. o, what are the techniques
that are involved? There are four classifications: food, mud, water and massage
therapies. In food therapy, the idea is to consume what we eat in its natural
form as much as possible as it is by itself a medicine. This mainly includes
fresh fruit, fresh leafy green vegetables, and sprouts; and there are different
combinations of purifying, strengthening, or pacifying foods. These must be
consumed in the correct proportion, and the stomach left a little empty. To
extract intoxicants from the body, both mud baths and mud packs are used,
particularly for ailments such as high blood pressure, tension headaches,
anxiety, constipation, plus gastric and skin disorders. There are several main
types of water therapy using clean fresh and cool water; and after this type of
a treatment, the body feels refreshed and energized.
The methods we use have
efficacious results for a wide variety of ailments: a hip bath improves the
efficiency of the liver, large intestine, stomach, and kidneys; a full steam
bath opens the skin’s pores drawing out harmful intoxicants; a hot foot bath
helps with asthma, knee pain, headache, sleeplessness, and menstrual
irregularities; in addition, there is a full body water massage, a spine bath,
hot and cold wraps, and enemas, all of these to get rid of the toxins we do
not want. Finally there is a massage therapy which increases the blood
flow, removing stiffness, weariness, and pain from muscles and this can work in
conjunction with some of the other naturopathic therapies.
It is true that
Naturopathy can be used to help cure and relieve many of today’s illnesses and
diseases. It can also be used by anyone who wishes to simply enjoy the feeling
of relaxing. This, no doubt, is therapeutic in itself. Naturopathy is always
helpful for whatever be the reason.
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